1.How many times have you been in clash with the cops since the first time The Oppressed started?
- All the clashes back in the 80s were between our lads (the Cardiff crew) and the lads from whatever town we were playing. It was just football violence but at a gig. The police would turn up at the end and escort us back to Wales.
2. What would you do if you were to play in a gig, that was sponsored by a corporation, which funded the war, but you just found out minutes before the gig, and meanwhile your fans had been waiting for you to play?
- That's easy, I'd play the gig. Not playing would make no difference to the politics of war but it would piss off the fans.
3. Is a skinhead always trapped in a consumerism? Such as having to wear fred perry polo shirt and Dr. Martens boots. Apparently both are quite expensive, if you know what I mean.
- You don't have to wear Fred Perry or Dr Martens. Any cheap polo shirt will do. The important thing is to look sharp.
4. Many Oi and punk bands have reunited again. What do you think makes them reunite? Do you think it's factor of money, or truly their passions to rock out the world with the old and young punks and skins?
- I think it's a bit of both. Of course people want to earn some money but you've still got to love it. Even if a band only reforms for the money it's OK if they produce on stage and keep the fans happy.
5. Any last words for the Indonesian Oi! Scene?
- Always fight to keep your scene free of Fascists. Ignore them and they will steal your culture. "FUCK FASCISM BEFORE IT FUCK'S YOU".