1. After joining The Warriors, what do you think about the whole experience?
- I was glad to be asked by Saxby to join as their guitarist, it was a slow start but we all got there in the end. It was a great experience! loved every second of it.
2. What is your favorite Warrior's song?
- The Last Resort, John Fila, Predater, Working Class Kids.
3. Who are your favorite bands?
- Slayer, Black Sabbath, Pantera, ACDC, Led Zeppling, Hendrix, Soulfly, Machine Head, SORB, anything were the guitar is out front basically.
4. Why did you leave The Warriors?
- I had to leave The Warriors; I moved to far away, my wife got a great new job as a scientist. I technically have not left The Warriors, if they are stuck for a guitar player for what ever reason; they know they can give me a call anytime to help out.
5. Do you have plans to join another band in your new city?
- Yes I do sooner the better, I am in the process of checking out the music scene here, lets see what Swindon has to offer.
6. Do you have any favorite experiences at a gig? If you do could you tell us, what, when and where they were ?
- Punk & Disorderly in Berlin was fantastic, the venue, the fans, the organisation was the best. Rebellion at Blackpool was good also because this was my last gig with The Warriors as their permanant guitarist.
7. Do you have any comments on the UK punk and skins scene?
- Yes I do! Unite The Scene. There is little or no money in the UK to put gigs on, no one really can afford it, less is more if you understand that philosophy. Rebellion is the daddy of all gigs in the UK. Europe has the right idea especially Germany they seem to still like lots of gigs and they love English bands so there is plenty of opportunities to play in the EU if your an English band.
8. And the last question, do you have any comments for webculturezine readers?
- Yes sure, be awesome to eachother. What ever it is you do in life, career or hobby; do it to the best of your ability, never, never, give up on the things that make you happy.
edited by sally (NYC, Brooklyn)