1. Does the film name have a meaning? and do you have any message of skinhead cross culture film?
Sure it does. Skinhead Cross Culture represents the "cross" (or merger) of cultures that formed the skinhead identity—namely Jamaican Rude Boy and British Mod culture. These styles "crossing over" and becoming one created Skinhead. "Hard Mods" didn't become "Skinheads" until they took on aspects of Jamaican style, music and attitude. Skinhead, as we know it today, wouldn't have existed without this fusion of contrasting styles. The title also eludes to the diagonal cross that appears in both the Jamaican and British flags and also the band Iron Cross which made the documentary possible.
2. Tell us about the scene over there
Not much to tell really. There's not much of a scene where we're located in Washington DC. There's more of a Skinhead presence in Baltimore, Boston and New York. Cities across America have their own individual scenes but it's very spread out. The only place they really come together is on the internet. But if Facebook and My Space are any indication, the American scene is still very much alive and kicking! Bands like Agnostic Front, The Aggrolites, Iron Cross, Templars, Patriot, Harrington Saints, etc still get broad support here.
3. Have you heard about The Indonesian skinhead/punk scene?
Of course! Based on the statements to your first question, it makes perfect sense to us that Skinhead, along with Punk, would be exported around the world. The explosion of Skinhead culture in Asia is well known. Since Skinhead at its heart is about Working Class cultures coming together (and not about racism, fascism, communism, etc), it's understandable that Working Class kids globally would embrace it.
4. what do you think about R.A.C bands?
We don't think about them. R.A.C is just a front for racists. It's strange how people try to define themselves by what they're against and not who they are. Anti-Communist, Anti-Fascist... just say you're a racist and you're a Marxist. Of course, most people who love freedom are against fascism. Who really wants to be ruled - especially by a dictator? Rock Against Communism was a reaction to Rock Against Racism, which was organized by the Left in England as a response to the National Front. Racism and Skinhead is a contradiction. It goes against the roots and birth of the culture. Also politics and Skinhead don't really mix. So we don't pay any mind to these factions trying to divide skinheads along racial and political lines. Fuck them all!
5. do you have any plan to make another film?
Unfortunately no. We're doing the Photo Book instead. It's just too easy to pirate music and movies these days. It seems many people don't want to support you by buying your release, they'd rather download it for free. That's not support. Movies cost money to make and distribute, not to mention running a company and paying taxes. Did you steal your boots from the store? Did you steal your beer? No, you paid for it. Apparently, some people only become thieves when they get online. Sorry, but that's how it is. We estimated that for every person who bought the DVD, 5 to 10 others downloaded it illegally. Bands are in the same position. They buy equipment and pay to put out their CD, then people just rip off the mp3s online. These things cost money to make and ship. It's only free to the person who steals it. Anyway, we appreciate the support we have received and the photo book will be a lot harder to copy.
6. Any final comments for webculturezine?
In our view, the best development in the Skinhead scene globally has been a return to traditional values. Many kids are rejecting all the political bullshit and are just being skins. Unity is not found in political dogma but in common ground. Unified Pride is proud to have friends from nations around the world of all shapes and colors, religions and beliefs, that stay true to the culture. We appreciate opportunities like this to share with our fellow brothers and sisters. Cheers webculturezine! Keep the faith.