1. First of all, could you tell us about your band? When was
it formed?
- Rat City Riot was formed in 2002 out of a few San Diego bands who had just broken up... A few of us were standing around outside a local music venue and I pretty much just said "we should get something going" and we did.
2. Who are in the lineup?
- Currently the linuep is Noah (me) on Vocals, Gavin on Drums, Andy and Kevin on Guitar, and we are looking for someone to step in on Bass. We have a European Bassist for tours, but need a guy at home full time to take over.
3. As a band, who/what are your influences?
- Myself personally, I listened to a lot of Harcore growing up, and some streetpunk and psychobilly/Rockabilly. Bands that come to ind are Sick of It All, Madball, Agnostic Front, The Trouble, and Pressure Point, just to name a few. Can't forge the Ramones and Johnny Cash and Merle Haggard too!
4. Does the band's name have a meaning?
- The bands name came about when our drummer was looking through a skateboarding magazine and saw San Diego as "RAT CITY" from there he wanted to call the band Rat City Rebels, but I thought that was too much... and we settled on RIOT. Later on we found out that the Unions in SD called it Rat City as well because of the lack of support.
5. How many albums does the band have?
- Demo, Dirty Rotten Games on Taang! Records, The Open Road EP on Street Anthem Records, Load Up on People Like You records, and Better Than Nothing on I Hate People Records... so thats 5 if you count our demo.
6. Please describe the sound of your band to those who are not familiar with you guys.
- I always hate this question- I can tell you what I've been TOLD if thats ok? ... and that would be either a mix between Black Flag and ACDC, or Anti-Heroes mixed with Sick of it All.
7.Are there any important messages behind your songs? and tell us about martyrs and saints song?
- All our songs are about day to day life, personal troubles, love, or whatever is currently going on in the world. Martyrs and Saints was a clever way to name drop a few of our friends' bands in the lyrics....but mainly is saying we are the ones who are sacrificing for what we love, but that doesnt make us "angels" or saints. Live the life, not the lifestyle.
8. Tell us about the scene over there.
- The San Diego Scene has an eclectic mix of bands...some good, some bad.... some terrible. As for the people in it- the punk scene is going stronger than ever thanks to the Pirate Punks booking a lot of shows and Rob from a band called The Strikers booking a lot of bigger Rockabilly, Psychobilly and Hardcore bands. The last big show I saw that he booked was THE CRO-Mags and it was awesome. All it takes is DIY efforts and bands to take care of each other.
9. How many gigs has the band had? Tell us about the best and the worst gig you've played.
- I have no idea anymore how many gigs we've had...usually our tours last a couple months and we have very few days off- We've toured for 6 months straight in the past... now im curious, I may have to try and figure this number out somehow. Worst show ever was on this last European tour in France. We showed up in the dead of winter to a freezing club and had to load down a tiny staircase into a basement (also freezing) and several of us were very,very,very sick. I was sitting on a table with a hot water kettle plugged in to keep warm while the guys set up and soundchecked. I was so sick I was going to go on stage wearing my jacket and cold weather gear. After awhile, we had dinner and relaized that the club hadn't promoted the show, and only one person showed up. We decided not to play, and loaded BACK up the little staircase and back into the freezing cold to load the van. Then had to drive 8 or 9 hours the next day. that sucked.
10. Have you had any problems organising gigs there?
- Not usually, worst thing for us is trying to get work covered for out of town trips. For tours, getting time off approved can be hard but usually we make it work- or use a fill in person. We dont cancel shows/tours unless theres no other option.
11. Have you guys ever been invited to play abroad? Which countries do you guys want to visit?
- We have toured Europe 5 times, and the UK once... I want to go to Brazil, Australia, Chiona, Japan, and of course Indonesia!
12. Have you heard about The Indonesian scene? Yes!
- I have recently been checking out the scene there and checking out bands... I ended up in Bali on vacation and am regretting not bringing a bunch of RCR records to give away!
13. What record label is the band signed to?
- I Hate People Records (Germany)
14. What are the bands short term and long term plans?
- Short term= world domination. Long term= world domination. haha.... ok so basically we want to tour as much as we can. Play as many cities, and Countries as we can, and make friends all over the world.
16. Do you have any comments for webculture zine?
- Keep up the good work, Spread the word about the music scene and stay United.