1. First of all, could you tell us about your band? When was it formed?
- we was formed in late 1977 we originally from the same council estate in south shields
2. Who are in the lineup?
- mensi vocals, johnny masters drums, neil newton guitar, dickie hammond guitar, gaz stoker bass
3. Does the band's name have a meaning?
- not really we were just throwing names about and wanted something a bit unusual and the angelics came about
4. As a band, who/what are your influences?
- my influences are wide and varied but my punk influences were the clash. full stop
5. Are any of the band members working with other bands on any projects?
- dickie is in leatherface all but me and the drummer are in the dipsomaniacs me i am 100% angelic upstarts and have no time or inclanation for anything else apart front militant anti fascism
6. If you were to cover a song, which song would you want to cover?
- oh i've covered quite a few songs in my time and not just punk songs tamla motown to folk
7. How many gigs has the band had? Tell us about the best and the worst gig you've played.
- i've done thousands of shows but not one sticks in my mind there have been a few bad ones and they have always been the ones where the nazis turn up, astoria in london and a small place outside of rotterdam in holland , nazi fuks a fuckin hate them
8. what do you think about EDL and BNP?
- the edl and bnp and nothing more than racist fascist scumbags
9. what do you think about the gig called Rock against condemned 84?
- condemned 84 are another one of these so called non political bands but in reality there just a right wing band and anti leftist, so how can you be non political when your anti leftist?
10. do you have fight with nazi on the street?
- i was a member of anti fascist action and as such was involved in physical confrontation with nazis
11. Have you heard about The Indonesian skinhead/punk scene? Any plans to play in south East Asia especially Indonesia?
- i know its a growing scene and i hope it gets bigger but the first job is identify the nazis and fuck them off out of it. nazis are no fun
12. mensi please told us about your experience travelling in thailand malaysia and singapore with your triumph motorcycle
- im in a motorcycle club called mad dogs im in thailand chapter and we have a chapter in singapore. we rode through malaysia to go to singapore i stayed in malaysia a couple of nights. i love biking i have had a motorbike since i was 16 i hope i can meet up or play in malaysia sometime i think im playing japan in january.
13. Do you have any comments for webculturezine?
- stay strong and stay anti nazi always