1. First of all, could you tell us about your band? When was it formed?
-I formed the band around 2002. I wnated to make band with style and message,
and with the energy of early the Who and the Jam etc. I stopped the band in 2007 and made a solo album but now I have started the band again.
It's great, I enjoy every second! I love to be touring and meet people all over the world!
2. Who are in the lineup?
-It's a new lineup. The bass player is guy named Chandu, he played with me on my solo tours, and the drummer Kasper Rasmussen is new.(he's my cousin)
3. Does the band's name have a meaning?
-Yes MOVING TO MUSIC and POLITICAL MOVEMENT. I think the name say's a lot about what the band is about.
4. Are you satisfied with your last album? do you work together with other musician or maybe politician?
-Yes, the last album was an EP, it was made pretty fast so the band could go on tour
with some new material. We don't really work with others, but we have a lot of plans
with other bands over the world to make split vinyls with some new material.
We play a lot for political things all over Europe, it's mostly anti-fasicism and we support
many squads by playing there insted of the normal club.
Then we always say yes to be used on political samplers for solidarity!
5. What do you think about mod band in the world these days?
-I don't really know? I don't like the mod bands when it becomes to much 60ties and
too much retro. I like the bands who also look at the world today and use that in the lyrics and music. I think the scene like in Germany where we play most, is very small. That's why we mostly play together with punk and ska bands.
6. As a band, who/what are your influences?
-The Who, The Jam, the Clash and Karl Marx ofcause!
7. besides the band, what do you guys do?
-Nothing really! We are committed to the band at the moment, it goes up and down
moneywise, but it's difficult to tour as we do when you have a stedy job.
8. Have you had any trouble with the police?
-Not as a band! We have the usual harassment when we drive to a political thing
or even punk festivals, but no big deal. I hate the cops because they have the basic interest to defend the clear injustice!
9. do you have any plans to play in south east Asia, including Indonesia?
-No, but it would be very great to do it! I raghter play in Indonesia than in the USA. It would be really great!
10.could you tell us what does " destroy bourgeois culture" mean?
-To me "bourgeois culture" is the culture that focus on the individual.
It's a daily propaganda in the vestern world, to get through in life on behalf of the many. Like in the business shools they teach how to make a profit, but we know
that somebody has been exploited, and it's always the working class.
They need the working class, but the working class don't need the bourgeois class.
We need a socialist culture, that celebrates the life of the many.
12. Any plan to release new album?
-Yes! We're going to reherse now, and then in January we're going to the studio!
So hopefully we will have a new album out 1st of May,
13. you guys has tatoos?
-Only me I have a few! I have a neked lady that was made when I was 17 (I was young)
14. do you have any comment on webculturezine?
-I'm looking forward to read the magazine, I'm very interested in what's going on the
scene in Indonesia!