1. Hello, Megat, how are you? Please tell the readers who you are
- i'm doin just fine. i am megat hafiz addukhan or u can call me megat, mag or mags/max.
2. How are ACAB doing at the moment?
- ACAB's no longer functioning.
3. we heard that you are in syria, what are you doin there?
- went to syria to study arabic & religion
4. Where are the other ACAB members? Where are they?
- edy j's playing with his band gerhana ska cinta & aggrobeats while at the same time doing business of internet cafe. anas & zul works at the same place in KL selling streetwears & i don't know where hardy sham is.
5. What do you think about the Malaysian skinhead scene right now?
- i'm not sure. but in KL's area of bukit bintang/star hill, the bootboys there are still alive & kickin'.
6. Did you know Last Resort played in Singapore and indonesia?
- yea, i know. which is good. i heard that the turnout in indonesia ws amazing.
7. Are ACAB planning to reform?
- yes, we're most probably reforming for a one-off show opening for the oppressed in KL in march
8. what is your favourite acab song?
- this is a hard one. i'd say 'we are the youth'. or 'streets of uptown'.
9. Have you heard about the Indonesian skinhead scene?
- yes, i've heard. they say u lot have a large following in bandung & jakarta.
10. why you change your fashion style?
- because i've been a skinhead & played street punk/rock music for a long time & wanted to do sumthin else. i'd like to entertain all sorts of people regardless of their style or fashion.
11. Do you have a message for the webculturezine readers?
all the best in whatever u do!