Hello Droogs, This Time Webculturezine had a chance to interview With Major Accident.
So check this out:
1.First of all, could you tell us about your band? When was
it formed?
- The band was formed in 1977 at the time of the first wave punk music in Britain.
2. Who are in the lineup?
- The current line up is Paul Larkin Vocals, Con Larkin bass, Laze drums, Ian guitar and Andy guitar. Paul and Con are now the only remaining members from the original line up.
3. As a band, who/what are your influences?
- In the beginning it was probably the clash. Paul bought the Clash’s first album and had gotten together with original guitarist Dave Hammond with the idea to form a band and when Con heard the album he decided that he wanted to play too.
4. Does the band's name have a meaning?
- There is no meaning to the band name but there is quite a funny story to how the name happened. It goes something like this: After many weeks of trying to make music, much to the amusement of Paul’s father, he said to Paul “so Paul what are you going to call this great band of yours”? Paul replied “Accident” Paul’s father paused for a moment and replied” Accident more like Major Accident” which was a reference to the noise that they were making at the time as it was so bad and that was how the name Major Accident came to be.
5. How many albums does the band have?
- There are 7 albums by the band:
Massacred Melodies.
A clockwork legion.
Tortured tunes which is a live album.
Pneumatic Pneurosis which is a compilation of the bands singles.
The ultimate high.
Cry of the legion which is a split album with Foreign legion.
6. Please describe the sound of your band to those who are not familiar with
you guys.
- We are a very loud and fast punk band.
7. Can you tell us about the album called massacred melodies? Are there any important messages behind
- Massacred melodies is very much an album that was about the time we were living in and what was happening at that time. Some of the songs are about what we did and what happened to us where as other songs were about events that happened in the country. A good example of this is brides of the beast that was loosely based on the notorious Yorkshire ripper, this man found fame by killing prostitutes in various evil ways.
8. Tell us about the scene over there
- The scene over here apart from big festivals like rebellion is very much underground now but it still exists which is a good thing. There are a lot of bands in the UK playing some very fine punk rock that deserve to be doing a lot better than they actually are and also deserve to be heard but are not. So in one way the scene is good because it still exists and they are still good bands to see but it’s also not good the gigs are not as big as they once were.
9. How many gigs has the band had? Tell us about the best and the worst gig
you've played.
- There have been too many gigs to give an honest account of how many we have actually played but there has been a lot. The best gig was probably during the American tour of the east coast but we also had a great time in Germany and there were good memories in France too. The worst gig was probably Belgium during the ultimate high tour when after getting five songs into the set the gig had to be stopped after a big fight broke out. We never got to finish the show and were very disheartened afterwards.
10. Have you had any problems organising gigs there?
- We don’t organise gigs anymore, we have somebody who does that for us. This is good for us as it fits around what we do outside of the band. This means we can pick and choose what we do and when we do it.
11. Have you guys ever been invited to play abroad? Which countries do you guys
want to visit?
- As mentioned earlier we have played America, Germany, France and Belgium and we have also been to Poland and the Czech Republic and we were invited to play in France last December which we did.
Further to this we have had offers to play Spain and Italy and we are hoping to go back to America in the future.
12. Have you heard about The Indonesian skinhead/punk scene? Any plans to play in south East Asia especially Indonesia?
- We know the scene exists in Asia and did receive an offer to play Japan several years ago but due to various reasons beyond our control it never happened.
13. What record label is the band signed to?
- The band are not currently signed to a label but Captain Oi carry all our previous releases with the next one to released being the ultimate high and cry of the legion.
14. What are the bands short term and long term plans?
- We are just having a good time at the moment but we do hope to go back to America very soon and possibly even record some more songs.
15. How can we contact MAJOR ACCIDENT? Do you guys have a website or an email
- We do have a website but it has not been updated for years so the best way of contacting us is via our MySpace site as this has all the latest up to date information about the band and what they are doing.
16. Do you have any comments for webculture zine?
- Thanks for your interest and good luck with the webzine....edited By Sally (NYC, Brooklyn)