Monday, May 17, 2010


1. Hi James, could you give a short introduction about yourself?

- If you want to know about me you can go to my website or
I am a touring musician that plays country rock music in the traditional style.

2. we've heard you have indonesian roots. Could you explain.or could you tell us more about that?

- My father was born in Padang and my Mother was born in Malang.
They both lived in Jakarta and moved to Holland in 1956.
Then they moved to the USA in 1961.

3. How did you became interested in the music that you are playing now?

- My parents loved and listened to early rock n roll and country so I heard it thru them and
was playing music since I was 5 years old.

4. how did you came in contact with that music style?

- After everything my parents taught me I started listening to old records and then cd's that were reissues of old
Sun Records and other recordings that were available to me.
Growing up in LA I went to see bands performing every night and then I started playing at these clubs myself.

5. could you tell us more about the soundtrack of cry baby?

- They were looking for a singer to sing for Johnny Depp and I was one out of hundreds at first but then they narrowed it
down to 3 finalists.
They had us go into the studio with Al Cooper and record two songs Red Hot and Teardrops Are Falling and then they played it for John Waters and told him
which singer do you think sounds like the voice of Crybaby and he picked me.

6. How many albums do you already have and what about the most recent one?

- . I have 4 albums and the latest one is called Have Faith.
It's mostly about situations in my life. Both heartache and overcoming my demons.
Having faith in yourself which is very hard to do in this day and age and the world we live in.

7. Did you ever visit Indonesia?

- I have never been to Indonesia.

8. Would you like to visit soon?

- I would very much like to visit Indonesia. I still have a lot of family there.
I hope to do an album of all traditional Indonesian songs.
I am learning to speak Indonesian now.
I grew up the language in the house but not enough to speak it fluently.

9. Do you got anything to say to the readers of this webzine and people in Indonesia?

- I hope you can hear my music and I hope that you will enjoy it.
I would love to tour Indonesia soon and be acquainted first hand with my roots.
James mau ki Indonesia.

Terima Kasih


1 comment:

  1. Kalau James mau datang ke Indonesia Selamat datang dan silahkan menjanji karena suara james bagus sekali..sampai jumpa pula james dan selamat otjang
