Monday, January 3, 2011


1. First off, can you give us a brief history of Oi! The Boat Records?

I started the label in 2007, first as a 'digital distribution' record label, meaning that we worked to get bands music available to buy on websites/stores like iTunes, Amazon, Rhapsody, Download Punk, etc. I often wanted to hear a band and was willing to pay for the MP3s, but there was no way for me to do so without stealing the music and doing nothing to help out the band. So, first I worked to get my old band's first album accepted by these stores (Brassknuckle Boys - Songs About Fighting). Once I laid the ground work, we were able to add some bands (Hudson Falcons, Green Room Rockers, etc) to our catalog and get them distributed globally via the internet. We gave the bands a huge cut of the money that comes in and paid them like clockwork. From everything we have been told, this is a rarity.
By late 2008, I was getting really restless to put out some music on vinyl. I contacted Carl Fritscher (better known by his band name Carl Templar) who had recently recorded some songs outside of the Templars with a bit more of a power pop sound to them. The name of this band was/is Stamford Bridge. Carl wrote all the songs and plays all the instruments except for drums (which were recorded by Phil Templar). I asked if we could put out their first 7" as a split recording with a band from Indiana (where I live) called Bastards Choir. He accepted the offer. While in the process of releasing this record, Max (the lead guitar player from Bastards Choir) joined me at the label and become a full equal partner. Max is also widely known from the infamous band "Hudson Falcons" from New Jersey USA- He played with them for their last 2 European tours, USA tours and recorded on their last album. We've been building the label since then- especially the last few months of 2010. We now have released a couple records on vinyl and have more in the works right now (minivans, armed suspects, broken heroes, whiskey rebels, pennycocks, etc).

2. As the owner, who/what are your influences or motivation to do it?

I've loved punk rock music for 20 years... and Oi! specifically for around 15 now. I used to play in bands but had not done so in a few years. Starting a label seemed like a great way to still be involved in the music I loved when I didn't have an active band. It also seemed like a great way to help out bands and make sure that they don't get screwed. Since we've actually been doing the label, I'd have to say some of the biggest motivations have stayed the same. There was also a void around us- no one seemed to be putting out music that we really liked in our area. Now we are here and doing just that. We are also using the records we produce to trade with foreign labels so that people in our area can buy records from far off lands without having to take out a loan to pay for shipping!

3. Does the label's name have a meaning?

I used to have a junk little 3.5 meter long row boat that a few friends and I used to fish from. We had put "Oi! the Boat" on the side of the boat as a bit of a joke (like "oi! the Album"). When the label started, I took the joke a step further, but it does have a bit of meaning. The boat is 'sailing the seven seas' in search of good music, I guess.

4. Besides running the label, what do you do?

I've got a new band called "The Gestalts". It includes former members of bastards choir/brassknuckle boys/hudson falcons/city water bandits/minivans. We have been practicing for a few months and will start playing shows in february 2011. Hopefully we will record and release something this year. Max and I both have full time day jobs too.

5. You had released a vinyl album for Perkele right? How did you come to work with them?

Yes, we just released a 7" by Perkele called "Punk Rock Army". Really great band- we worked with them and their full-time label Bandworm Records to get this record released. Bandworm had licensed Brassknuckle Boys "Songs About Fighting" from us and released it on vinyl last year, so we had a relationship with them and this is how we started talking about Perkele. We are hoping to get them more well known in the states.

6. I read this on the Oi! the boat website " You can’t put your arms around an MP3, save the vinyl, " what does it mean?

The first line is a play on words on the song title "You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory" (by Johnny Thunders, also covered by The Bruisers). The message that we are trying to get across is that while mp3s are convenient- there is nothing like holding a real record in your hands, checking out the artwork and lyrics and listening to it on a record player as it was meant to be heard. There is something real and concrete about vinyl that cd's don't quite live up to, and mp3s don't even come close to touching. We include free mp3s with the vinyl that we release- we are aware that you cant walk down the street listening to your records, but when you are at home, a party, or any other place with a record player, there is just no substitution for the real deal.

7. Do you have any plans to release a U.S.A. Oi! bands compilation album?

Yes. We will surely do some sort of compilation in 2011. I don't know if we will limit it to the USA only, though.

8. Do you have any plans to release an Asian Oi! bands, or Indonesia Oi! band?

We don't have any plans not to. Good music knows no borders.

9. Who is your favorite band?

This sort of question is hard- I probably have 100 favorite bands. I'll answer this question by telling you what I've been listening to a lot of lately: Evil Conduct's new album, Perkele, the new album by Green Room Rockers, The Pennycocks (from Spain), Vanilla Muffins. If I had to really nail down to my all-time favorite, it would be Cock Sparrer.

10. What do you think about racism and fascism in the scene? Is there any racism in your scene?

I think the same thing about racism and fascism inside the scene as I think of it outside the scene. It is an infantile mindset based on fear and ignorance. There are no racists in my scene.

11. Please tell us about your scene, what bands can you recommend?

The US scene was strong in the late nineties and early 2000s and sort of fizzled out. The last few years I have seen more kids getting in to the music (Oi!, Streetpunk, Ska) but not a lot of new bands or shows. I think here, like many places, we are seeing more and more ska or soul nights with a dj playing old vinyl. I sincerely hope that we have a resurgence and some great young bands start popping out of the woodwork. Bands to recommend to indonesia: For the love of god, listen to Bastards Choir if you haven't yet. Same goes for the soul/reggae/ska band Green Room Rockers. Both of these bands have worked with our label and live here in my city. Check out Noi!se from the pacific northwest. Armed suspects from out east- we'll be doing a split 12" for them in early 2011. It is no coincidence that many of the bands I'm recommending have worked with our label! We only put out things we love!

12. Do you have a comment for webculturezine and for webculturezine readers?

Keep the flame alive! Support your local scene and bands. Start a zine. Start a band. Start a record label. GET A RECORD PLAYER (maybe over there at Jalan Surabaya?) AND EXPERIENCE THIS MUSIC THE WAY IT SHOULD BE!!! Also, please send me some of that warm Indonesian air- it is well below freezing here! Thanks for the interview, keep it up!


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