Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Hello READERS!! check this interview with antonella klass kriminalle:

1. Do you still play in klasse kriminale?

- I did form the original K.K. with Marco in italy back in 1985, i did write all the material up to 1991 when i left the band for personal reason. Antonella's k.k. has nothing to do with the other k.k.

2. could you describe your new album?

- Phoenix is my solo project , some thing that i wanted to do for a long time, i would say that the album is a mixture of rock and roll,punk,glam and mod.

3. do you work together with other bands in your new album?

- yes i have worked with members of Superyob and Strawdogs.

4. If you already left klasse kriminale, why do you still use klasse kriminale as your identity name?

- I formed the original band so i have as much right to call myself that then anyone else , also i have got fed up with people taking all the credit and still playng my songs today.

5. do you have any plan to work together with klass kriminale again soon? or maybe play with them?

- I have nothing in common with Klasse Kriminale this days and no intention to work with them ever.

6. how is your scene these days?

- I think that the scene today has lost the edge,still there are some good people and good bands out there.

7. any comments for webculturezine?

- Thanks for the support ,all the best


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