Thursday, August 18, 2011


Hello Mr. roy , we are webculturezine from indonesia (an online zine) we would like interview you

1. describe us about your new album? what is differences with the album before..

- The album before is more Ska. this new album The Boss is Back,is a very mixed album as you heard.

2. anyway who are the guys in front cover of skinhead moonstomp album?

- The guys who at the front from the album, they were big fans from Symarip and still are,since 1969 till now.

3. How many albums do you have?

- in total 15 Albums and meny meny singles Ska/ rock- steady,Reggae, Soul, Funk, & Gospel music.

4. Are there any important messages behind your songs?

- My albums is for everyone to enjoy, I`m singing about love, some song are happy and funny etc.

5. Tell us about the best and the worst gig you've played.

- I must say till now, it`s great everywhere, Don`t forget I`m the boss :-)

6. Which countries do you want to visit? Good question!

- Meny countries, Indonesia of course !! I would love to perform there someday but who knows?

7. Have you heard about The Indonesian scene?

- Yes I`ve heard about Indonesia music scene, I need to know more about it.

8. Do you have any plans to tour Southeast Asian countries? Like maybe Indonesia?

- I`ll be touring Japan again next year, and as I said before, maybe someday in Indonesia!!

9. Any final comments for webculturezine?

- Keep doing what you are doing to keep my music going.


ps: if you want to see Roy Ellis aka Mr.Symarip in Indonesia you guys got to get the promoters to bring me over Roy can`t book him self there!

Give my love to everyone-

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