Hello 2019.
It's long time not active.
We're very sorry!
For you, who doesn't know about us, Here we are Indonesia Online Zine Called Webculturezine.
We are plan to Re-Active Again!
The online zine is free and always will be,
However if you want to help me to pay my Internet bill you can do it on my PayPal (as pay what you want)
1.First off, can you give us a brief history of the band
- RUST formed in 2005 with members who had played in many Sydney bands over the past 25 years,we have recorded 3 albums played with such greats as DOA, Rose Tattoo,The Business,Sham69,The Varukers,GBH,The Last Resort,The Exploited,The Vibrators,Section 5 Resistance 77,Anti Nowhere League,Beerzone,Peter and The test Tubes and Argy Bargy,toured all over Australia and New Zealand,The UK and played the massive Rebellion festival in Blackpool England
2. And who is in the line up?
- Gazz Voice,Fernz Bass,Smurf Drums,Davo Guitar.
3. As a band, who/what are your influences?
- There are so many that come to mind but the short answer would be The 4 skins Motorhead,Rose Tattoo,The Last Resort and GBH.
4. Does the band's name have a meaning?
- No it does'nt but in the early days there were a few ideas that came up because we used to write R*U*S*T but they never stuck,RUST came to me when i was patching holes in my old van.
5. Are any of the band members working with other bands on any projects?
- No but i would like to start a Ska band if i had the time.
6. What is your favorite RUST's song?
- I think all RUST songs kick ass if they dont we drop them from the set pretty quick,we judge this off our audiances,maybee Black Rats??
7. Most of your songs are about what?
- I write about our lives our experiances,Aussie lifestyle,pinball machines,girls,loves lost and found ,streetfights,Punk/Skinhead culture,ledgends,tattoo's guitars,Rock N Roll. The latest song i wrote is called Girls Guitars Fast cars so you get the picture.
8. besides the band, what do you guys do?
- Gazz,I work as a Groundsman and is into fitness goes to gigs has 2 adult kids and a girlfriend,Smurf,works at a basketball center rides a moter bike likes the football and Brizilian girls at the beach,Fernz works in fraight,is an inner city dweller always out on the town getting caught on film with his girl Page,Davo father of 3 kids that i know of could be more,has a girlfriend likes fast cars and guitars and Veano hour.
9. Do you have any plans to play in Asia, or Indonesia especially?
- We dont have any plans but would like too,if you can help us out let us know,when's that Oi! fest you have?Do people know of us in your part of the world?
10. If you were to cover a song, which song would you want to cover?
- We cover A.C.A.B and CHAOS by The 4 Skins and Rock N Roll Outlaw by Rose Tattoo and Concrete Jungle by The Specials at the moment,We Used to cover Loud Proud and Punk The Business and RAMONES by Motorhead and Comando by The Ramones.
11. Is there a racist scene in Australia? What do you think about racism in the scene?
- There is a small racist scene like everywhere else,RUST have no interest in it at all,We are Rock N Rollers who are into united scenes for Punks Skinheads Rude Boys Metal heads Thrashers,no matter the colour of their skin.
12. Any final comments for webculturezine?
- Many thanks for the interview and your time,your English is fine. get our latest album Lean Mean Street Machine @ pugmusic.com till next time Gazz voice.
1.First of all, could you tell us about your band? When was it formed?
- We where formed in 1993 as a punkband, by four guys in a basement of east Gothenburg, Me and Ron are two of the remaining originalmembers, Chris joined us in 1998, and then we became more of an oi-band.
2. Who are in the lineup?
- Jonsson-drums, Ron -guitar and vocls , Chris - Bass guitarr and backing vocals
3. As a band, who/what are your influences?
- We all grow up with a lot of english and american heavy-metal, so I would say the musical roots are in the rockn´roll music
4. Does the band's name have a meaning?
- Perkele means the "god of thunder" in old hednic finnish mytologi.
5. How many albums does the band have? and please tell us about your new album.
- We have released 8 albums, two of them where mini cd with 7 songs each and one double album whith Perkele live. Our latest album is now out for sale, we recorded it during the spring and summer and we are very pleased with it, its typical perkele-style with singalong anthems.
6. How many gigs has the band had? Tell us about the best and the worst gig you've played.
- I guess we have done about 200 gigs during the years and I guess my personal favorite is Bilbao in Basque country or Barcelona, also Berlin is a great place to play, our worst gig was in belgium where nazis came in and was bad atmosphere.
7. Tell us about the scene over there
- The european scene is great , but in sweden is not that big, it only lives 9 million people in sweden and if you look on a map you see thet its a big country.
8. do you contact vicking rock from seweden band called ultima thule? and what do you think about them?
- We are not into that kind of music, but we know that band, I on´t think they are that active any more.
9. Have you heard about The Indonesian skinhead/punk scene? Any plans to play in south East Asia especially Indonesia?
- We love to come there, if any serious person conact us and are willing to promote a show there, we would pack our bags immediatly, we know its a beautiful country with great climate, not like sweden in wintertime:)
10. Do you have any comments for webculture zine?
- Keep up the spirit and we hope to someday visit Indonesia, cheers and take care // Jonsson -Perkele
1. Hello guys, could you tell us about your band's history?
The Stage Bottles were formed in 1993. I’m theonly original member left in the band. The first line up also included a female singer, Manu. Manu left the band in 1999. After that it was just me singing(before me an Manu were singing). But I continued playing the saxophone, ofcourse. So Stage Bottles still had and have a special sound comparing to the majority of other Punkrock- and Oi!bands. We played a few hundred gigs in Europe and did a tour in Canada a few years ago. We already released 6 albums and several 7’’.And we took part on many compilations worldwide.
2. Is there any meaning to your band name?
That’s a difficult thing to explain in English.Our first bass-player, Eric, suggested to call the band “freebeers” in germanlangaguage (“Feibier”). So many people would come to our gigs ‘cause they’dexpect beers for free. We had English lyrics right from the start so I suggested to use an English name. In german you can call a person “bottles”. It means kind of the person is a loser. So I suggested “Stage Bottles”. The loserson stage.
3. are politics your musical influence? are you left wing band?
Yes, we are a leftwing band. We were very much influenced by bands like Blaggers ITA, The Oppressed, Angelic Upstarts, TheNewtown Neurotics, Kortatu and many other political leftwing-bands especially from England. We’re also influenced by classic Streetpunk-bands like Cocksparrer, The Cockney Rejects, The 4 Skins, The Last Resort and so on, ofcourse. But we always wanted to make a political stand. We’re part of asubculture. And being part of a subculture like Punk or Skinhead alwaysincludes a critical attitude to the mainstream-society. Punk and Skinhead can’t survive in rightwing-system and shouldn’t try to. And everyone from everywhere is welcome to join it. We are a product of the capitalistic society. But we are completely different and we don’t want to adapt. And that’s why we are against it. Otherwise we would be normal people heading for economical success and being racists for chucking out others for that they’re not taking our money.That’s not the way the Stage Bottles want to be. And that’s what we talk about and that’s what we fight against.
4. do you have a new album?
Yes. It was released last month on Mad Butcher Records. It’s called “power for revenge”.
5. what do you think about un-poltical bands and right wing bands?
There are bands existing who call themselves “non-political” but the way they act is okay. They make a stand against rightwing and racism without being anti-leftwing. Some bands call themselves “a-political”. Theydo politics with telling people not to be political. At the end they tell people to adapt to the mainstream-society. Being a Skinhead or Punk is just anexcuse for drinking and having fights. Most of them are stupid and don’t understand dynamics in society and even not in their scene. The problem is:They are fucking useless. Right wing-bands are bullshit and the real enemy. They want to destroy most parts of the human being including people likeus and people who come from somewhere else. They want to take freedom from many good people. They’ve got nothing in common with our scene. We are fighting for freedom.
6. besides the band, what do you guys do?
I’m a social worker, Kimba (bass) aswell,Marcel (guitar) is working in an office, Olaf No. 2 (drums) is anmotorbike.mechanic, and Slavko is working at a school.
7. Have you had any trouble with the police?
Well, we got contacted by the police as a band a few times ‘cause we were involved into concerts where fights happened. Personally I think we all had problems with the police yet. Some of us more,others less and for different reasons.
8. how is your punks/skins scene right now?
In Germany the scene is very big. But I’d not say it’s a homogen scene. There are many discussions about politics. Even in between non-racists. But you can see nearly every band in Germany you want to see. From all over the world. There many alternative places where good events are happening. Football also matters. And football is big in Germany. So part sof the Skinheads, Hooligans, Punks, Psychobillys and so on are all together.But it’s more like an entertainment-scene at the moment, I think. It was better a few years ago.
9. new flag, what does it mean?
It seems there is no political alternative to capitalism at the moment. The idea of a socialism kind of died with the Stalinism. It’s good that Stalinism is gone. But the problems are still the same. And we all are concerned in a globalised world. Have a look at the financial crisis one year ago. Our system worldwide still continues to makerich people more rich and the poor more poor. Freedom in this system just means the freedom to be allowed to get as rich as you can. So we need a new flag to build power against this kind of selfishness. And everybody should know what this flag stands for. The red flag was a strong symbol, but it was misused manytimes. So many people would never follow it. That’s understandable but also the result of Stalinism and conservative propaganda.
10. do you have any plans to play to south east Asia, including Indonesia?
If you’re going to pay it, yes, but I think you can’t. We are not a big band. And we’re not rich people, so we can’t pay the journey ourselves. We don’t even know if we’re big enough for people turning upat our gigs. There are obviously some people interested in to the Stage Bottlesin Asia. But enough people for doing gigs? I don’t know…
11. do you have any comments for webculturezine?
Dear readers: If you’ve got anymore questions just ask: olaf@stagebottles.de. We’d love to come to Indonesia. We heard you’ve got a big scene. So collect money to pay our flights, food and drinks (is beer allowed in your country?), tell us one year before and we’ll come over!