Monday, November 29, 2010


1.First off, can you give us a brief history of the band

- RUST formed in 2005 with members who had played in many Sydney bands over the past 25 years,we have recorded 3 albums played with such greats as DOA, Rose Tattoo,The Business,Sham69,The Varukers,GBH,The Last Resort,The Exploited,The Vibrators,Section 5 Resistance 77,Anti Nowhere League,Beerzone,Peter and The test Tubes and Argy Bargy,toured all over Australia and New Zealand,The UK and played the massive Rebellion festival in Blackpool England

2. And who is in the line up?

- Gazz Voice,Fernz Bass,Smurf Drums,Davo Guitar.

3. As a band, who/what are your influences?

- There are so many that come to mind but the short answer would be The 4 skins Motorhead,Rose Tattoo,The Last Resort and GBH.

4. Does the band's name have a meaning?

- No it does'nt but in the early days there were a few ideas that came up because we used to write R*U*S*T but they never stuck,RUST came to me when i was patching holes in my old van.

5. Are any of the band members working with other bands on any projects?

- No but i would like to start a Ska band if i had the time.

6. What is your favorite RUST's song?

- I think all RUST songs kick ass if they dont we drop them from the set pretty quick,we judge this off our audiances,maybee Black Rats??

7. Most of your songs are about what?

- I write about our lives our experiances,Aussie lifestyle,pinball machines,girls,loves lost and found ,streetfights,Punk/Skinhead culture,ledgends,tattoo's guitars,Rock N Roll. The latest song i wrote is called Girls Guitars Fast cars so you get the picture.

8. besides the band, what do you guys do?

- Gazz,I work as a Groundsman and is into fitness goes to gigs has 2 adult kids and a girlfriend,Smurf,works at a basketball center rides a moter bike likes the football and Brizilian girls at the beach,Fernz works in fraight,is an inner city dweller always out on the town getting caught on film with his girl Page,Davo father of 3 kids that i know of could be more,has a girlfriend likes fast cars and guitars and Veano hour.

9. Do you have any plans to play in Asia, or Indonesia especially?

- We dont have any plans but would like too,if you can help us out let us know,when's that Oi! fest you have?Do people know of us in your part of the world?

10. If you were to cover a song, which song would you want to cover?

- We cover A.C.A.B and CHAOS by The 4 Skins and Rock N Roll Outlaw by Rose Tattoo and Concrete Jungle by The Specials at the moment,We Used to cover Loud Proud and Punk The Business and RAMONES by Motorhead and Comando by The Ramones.

11. Is there a racist scene in Australia? What do you think about racism in the scene?

- There is a small racist scene like everywhere else,RUST have no interest in it at all,We are Rock N Rollers who are into united scenes for Punks Skinheads Rude Boys Metal heads Thrashers,no matter the colour of their skin.

12. Any final comments for webculturezine?

- Many thanks for the interview and your time,your English is fine. get our latest album Lean Mean Street Machine @ till next time Gazz voice.



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