Monday, November 22, 2010


1.First of all, could you tell us about your band? When was
it formed?

- We where formed in 1993 as a punkband, by four guys in a basement of east Gothenburg, Me and Ron are two of the remaining originalmembers, Chris joined us in 1998, and then we became more of an oi-band.

2. Who are in the lineup?

- Jonsson-drums, Ron -guitar and vocls , Chris - Bass guitarr and backing vocals

3. As a band, who/what are your influences?

- We all grow up with a lot of english and american heavy-metal, so I would say the musical roots are in the rockn´roll music

4. Does the band's name have a meaning?

- Perkele means the "god of thunder" in old hednic finnish mytologi.

5. How many albums does the band have? and please tell us about your new album.

- We have released 8 albums, two of them where mini cd with 7 songs each and one double album whith Perkele live. Our latest album is now out for sale, we recorded it during the spring and summer and we are very pleased with it, its typical perkele-style with singalong anthems.

6. How many gigs has the band had? Tell us about the best and the worst gig you've played.

- I guess we have done about 200 gigs during the years and I guess my personal favorite is Bilbao in Basque country or Barcelona, also Berlin is a great place to play, our worst gig was in belgium where nazis came in and was bad atmosphere.

7. Tell us about the scene over there

- The european scene is great , but in sweden is not that big, it only lives 9 million people in sweden and if you look on a map you see thet its a big country.

8. do you contact vicking rock from seweden band called ultima thule?
and what do you think about them?

- We are not into that kind of music, but we know that band, I on´t think they are that active any more.

9. Have you heard about The Indonesian skinhead/punk scene? Any plans to play in south East Asia especially Indonesia?

- We love to come there, if any serious person conact us and are willing to promote a show there, we would pack our bags immediatly, we know its a beautiful country with great climate, not like sweden in wintertime:)

10. Do you have any comments for webculture zine?

- Keep up the spirit and we hope to someday visit Indonesia, cheers and take care // Jonsson -Perkele


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