Monday, December 14, 2009

Interview With Ety

Hello readers,

I wanna introduce you to a woman, that I met in a gig in Kediri (East Java). It was interesting to talk with her, but at that moment I was so busy because I had to meet with some friends. So, I grabbed her number so we could talk later. When I came back from the gig, I contacted her for an interview. When I asked her questions, she responded nicely.

1. Please tell us, what is your name?

- my name is ety handayani

2. Tell us about the scene where you live?

- in 1996 until 2005 i live with a punks,grinds,black metal,hardcore and a few skinheads. In my city doesn't have a special skinhead scene,we are one with the other underground community,because we are living in the small city..

3. Before you got married, did you know you know him from the music scene?

- nope,me and my husband are come from the same scene but we were different about a way of life

4. Do you still hang out with your scene now?

- nope,almost never.

5. When your son grows up, do you want him to be a skinhead??

- no..i dont wanna him to be me or his father..i want my son to be himself

6. What is your favourite local band? And what is your favourite foreign band?

- my fav.local band are sexy pig,runtah,begundal lowokwaru,DOM65,combat,anti squad,and many more.
- my band are cock sparrer,cockney rejects,anger flares,the business,vanilla muffins,minor threat,morrissey and the smith,the oppressed and many more

7. What do you think about Indonesia's skinhead scene right now?

- no comment cuz i'll never know anymore bout skinhead scene since 2005 but i still getting contact with them

8. What are you doing now? We mean what are you working as now?

- i'm a housewife

9. Do you want to say anything about the skinhead scene out there, especially the Indonesian skinhead scene?

- Stay together!!!

10. If someone wants to contact you, what is the best way to do so? Do you have an email address, etc?


11. What do you want to say about webculture zine?

- success for webculture zine.

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