Saturday, December 19, 2009


We interviewed the band BAKERS DOZEN (UK) about their new album, "The Wolves within the Walls"

1. What do you think about your new album?

- The new albums doing great! it was the first Bakers Dozen album with the new line up. The songs cover pretty much the same subjects as previous releases and seems to keep everybody happy. Its the first studio album we've done for Step One Records who we have been friends with for years, they give it 110% when putting out an album and have really done us proud.

2. Did you feel something different about your new album that you didn't feel about your last album?

- It's been mentioned by some fans that the new album is a bit slower than sent down/storm of discontent and a bit more rock sounding but thats not a bad thing. Judging by the response from fans they seem to like it. The're will certainly be a couple of tracks from the new album included in the live set from now on as well.

3. What does "Wolves within the Walls" mean?

- The title wolves within the walls originally came about as an anti establishment kinda thing. There is a load of stuff going on that the public dont want and no matter how much they shout the government wont listen. This is right across the board! you can take what you want from the title yourself but from my point of view it covers work, local government, bosses, banks and elitist wankers as well.

4. What do you think about the skinhead scene in England today?

- well the UK scene seems to be a bit all over the place just now! forget Scotland as fuck all happens here just now. A couple of years back it was kicking! loads of good gigs and big crowds, you dont realise how lucky you are until its gone.
There is still a fair bit of activity down London but they keep losing good venues just as they start to get established (Crawley House Of Oi! for example).
There is still a lot of good new bands coming out of the UK and keeping the scene alive.

5. Do you have any plans to tour Southeast Asian countries? Like maybe Indonesia?

- Doubtful as it would cost a fortune but who knows..

6. How can we contact the band, via e-mail or myspace?

- You can get hold of Bakers Dozen at and check out our my space page at

7. Do you have any comments for webculture zine?

- Keep up the good work with the blog spot. These sites are great for info and keeping up to date with things..
All the best
Bakers Dozen


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